Recycling of Flexible Polyolefin Films in Europe 2025
Market Report

Recycling of Flexible Polyolefin Films in Europe 2025

  • 2024 saw the long-awaited finalisation of Europe’s new Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). It includes ambitious requirements for flexible films, including recyclability, recycling rates, and recycled content & reuse targets.

    Industry initiatives to achieve these targets will have to accelerate, and the value chain is likely to look significantly different come 2030 and beyond.

    To determine the most effective next steps for stakeholders across the value chain, quantifying existing material streams and recycling capacities is crucial. So is understanding the opportunities emerging via new physical and chemical recycling technologies, which will complement mechanical recycling going forward.

    The properties of flexible films will help achieve the PPWR’s goals relating to packaging minimisation and per-capita waste reduction targets. Stakeholders are pro-actively developing new material solutions with a focus on mono-material structures.

  • At the same time, technological advancements allow for the integration of post-consumer recyclates in an increasing range of end-use applications.

    The industry is dynamic and characterised by fresh ideas and new developments, aiming to achieve the ambitious recycling targets set by the EU Commission and to meet the growing demand for recycled polymers. It therfore presents a multitude of opportunities for innovation and investments in a growing industry sector.

    Up-to-date information on market volumes and latest developments across the value chain are crucial for making informed decisions. We are producing this authoritative report to provide an independent quantitative and qualitative analysis of the current status of recycling flexible films in Europe, together with forecasts of where the industry will go in the future.

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This report

  • ✔ Quantifies virgin polymer demand for film applications in EU27
    ✔ Describes and analyses the newly emerging legislative environment to which the European flexible films value chain needs to adapt.
    ✔ Quantifies material streams for 8 categories of post-use flexible films across the collection, sorting & recycling stages of the value chain.
    ✔ Explains available recycling technologies for flexible films and their complementarity in achieving Europe’s ambitious recycling & recycled content targets..

  • ✔ Quantifies existing & emerging recycling capacities for flexible films across technologies..
    ✔ Describes industry initiatives across the value chain designed to achieve improved circularity of flexible films..
    ✔ Quantifies & describes existing and emerging end-use applications for recyclates from the recycling of flexible films..
    ✔ Profiles leading recyclers of flexible films across recycling technologies.

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Report scope

  • Waste streams/sources of recyclates covered

    • Municipal (household)
    • Commercial
    • Industrial
    • Agricultural

    Applications scope

    • Flexible consumer packaging
    • Flexible commercial/industrial packaging
    • Agriculture & horticulture
    • Building & construction
    • Medical & hygiene
  • End use applications for the recyclates generated

    • Agricultural films
    • Building & construction films
    • Carrier bags
    • Heavy duty sacks
    • Collation shrink film
    • Flexible consumer packaging
    • Refuse sacks
    • Other bags, sacks & films
    • Pallet shrink films
    • Stretch films
    • Non-film applications
  • Polymer coverage

    The report covers flexible films made from:

    • Polyethylene (LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE)
    • Polypropylene (PP)
    • Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

    Data Points

    The study provides market data for the years 2022 & 2023 and forecasts to 2025, 2030, and 2035.

    Geographic scope

    The geographic scope is the European market, comprising the EU 27 plus 3 (United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland)

  • Methodology

    Our methodology

    Our extensive experience in the flexible films industry and recycling intelligence has connected us with a wide network of contacts in waste management, plastics processing, and recycling. We conducted numerous conversations with industry leaders to inform our research and refine our findings based on their feedback.

    We have also carried out comprehensive secondary research, gathering:

    • Official statistics on the trade and recycling of flexible films and plastic waste.
    • Waste generation and recycling data at European and national levels.
    • Information from third-party sources, including government, industry associations, and academic publications.

Meet the authors

  • Silke

    Silke Einschuetz

    Senior Consultant Recycling & Sustainability

    Silke, is an economist with over 20 years’ experience in strategic research and consulting. She focuses on developing AMI's recycling and sustainability portfolio, particularly chemical recycling and recycling flexible films.


  • Olivia

    Olivia Poole


    Olivia holds a Master's in Chemistry. She joined AMI in 2019, producing programmes for technical events and was instrumental in launching our Chemical Recycling events. Now a consultant, she focuses on the recycling of engineering plastics.


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