Agricultural Films
Global Market 2025
Over the past six decades, the use of plastic films in silage, mulch, and greenhouse applications has dramatically increased agricultural output and productivity. These advancements have prolonged the growing season, enlarged cultivation areas, and enhanced the quality and storage of silage, resulting in greater crop and milk yields.
Our latest market report Agricultural Films Global Market 2025 is supported by an extensive knowledge and understanding of plastics processing and our highly successful interview program, which engages industry participants in detailed discussions to gain unique market insights. Thanks to our long-standing research of plastics processing markets, we can accurately model and predict market trends.
Report insights
- Comprehensive analysis of global and regional market trends and their strategic implications.
- Overview of sustainability trends with a focus on recyclates usage in agricultural film applications.
- Comprehensive analysis of global and regional market trends and their strategic implications.
- Identification and analysis of industry-related pain points and inhibitors.
- Strategic takeaways and recommendations to address these barriers.
- Identification and analysis of industry-related pain points and inhibitors.
- Evaluation of production and consumption patterns within the silage, mulch, and greenhouse film sectors, including sub-applications.
- Identification of key growth areas and insights by region.
- Evaluation of production and consumption patterns within the silage, mulch, and greenhouse film sectors, including sub-applications.
- Analysis of market opportunities per region, segmented by film types and sub-applications.
- Identification of leading import markets, country-specific dynamics, and key areas for market growth.
- Analysis of market opportunities per region, segmented by film types and sub-applications.
- Shifts in resin usage patterns and their strategic impact.
- Share of recyclates by polymer type
- Opportunities and challenges
- Shifts in resin usage patterns and their strategic impact.
- Profiles of the leading 20 agricultural film producers
- Analysis of the companies’ operational strategies and production volumes by film type.
Report and data scope
The study quantifies the market in tonnes or thousands of tonnes for 2023, 2024, and 2025, and provides forecasts for 2030.
Product coverage
Mulch film: PE mulch, Bio-mulch
Silage film: Stretch silage, Silage sheet, Silo bags/tubes
Greenhouse film: Low tunnels, Span GHPolymers
By Type: Virgin, Recyclates
By Material: HDPE, LDPE, EVA/EBA, LLDPE C4, LLDPE C6, LLDPE C8, mLLDPE, PVC, OthersGeographic scope
- Europe
- Middle East
- Africa
- North America
- South and Central America
- Asia & Australasia
- Indian Sub-continent
Drive your business forward with confidence
If you are an agri-film supplier, raw materials supplier, machinery and equipment supplier, end-user, distributor, or investor in the global agricultural film industry, drive your business forward confidently with our critical and actionable insights.
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