Plastics Recyclers Worldwide

Plastics Recyclers Worldwide

  • Introduction

    Developments in mechanical and chemical recycling technology are changing the shape of the plastics industry as we know it.

    Within the European Commission’s 2030 vision, all plastic packaging being placed on the market will be reusable or easily recycled. Consequently, the improved separation and investment in innovation, skills and capacity will result in the export of poorly sorted plastic waste being phased out. In tandem with the expansion of capacity, the demand for recycled plastic is expected to have grown four-fold.

    Our extensive interview programme, ensures we provide verified data for your business needs. Identify potential acquisition targets and enhance sales planning with our database of 1,600+ plastics recyclers.

New data!

  • Globe focusing on India

    Plastics Recyclers in India

    Some key findings from the 300+ sites include: 

    • Over 90% of sites are privately owned
    • Around 75% of site recycle production waste
    • 75% of sites recycle LDPE
    • Over 30% produce 5,000+ tonnes recyclate/year
    • Free Sample (Recyclers Database)

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  • Globe focusing on Europe

    Plastics Recyclers in Europe

    Headline statistics from the 1,100 sites include:

    • 62% of sites are privately owned
    • Over 40% of the sites listed process more than 5,000 tonnes or recyclate per year
    • 8 out of 10 mechanical recycling plants in Europe process production scrap (industrial waste)
    • Free Sample (Recyclers Database)

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  • Globe focusing on Turkey

    Plastics Recyclers in Turkey

    Standout statistics from the 320+ sites include:

    • Over 60% of the sites researched are ‘privately owned’
    • 32% of the sites listed process more than 3,000 tonnes of plastics every year
    • PP is the most recycled material, followed by LDPE and HDPE
    • 100 sites out of 324 listed (30%) recycle PET
    • Free Sample (Recyclers Database)

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  • Globe focusing on North America

    North America

    Standout findings from the 395 sites include:

    • 58% of recycling sites listed are 'privately owned'
    • HDPE is the most recycled material, followed by PP and LDPE
    • 48% of the sites listed recycle at least one type of Engineering Polymers (ABS, PA, PC, PBT, SAN, POM, PMMA)
    • 221 sites out of 395 listed (56%) recycle PET
    • Free Sample (Recyclers Database)

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What's included?

  • Each site record provides

    • Full address details, telephone number and company email
    • Critical contacts, in accordance with GDPR rules
    • Source of waste recycled
    • Contamination level of waste
    • Origin of waste recycled
    • Polymers recycled
    • Volume range of recycled products (tonnes per annum)
    • Reprocessed products offered
    • Recycling technologies used
    • Recycling machinery information
  • Polymers recycled


    Reprocessed products offered

    Regrind, agglomerate, pellets, colour compound, filled compound, and others

    Origin of waste recycled

    packaging, building, agricultural, automotive, electrical, textiles, and other markets (medical, toys/sports/leisure)

  • Recycling technologies used

    Prewash; Sorting; Size Reduction; Washing; Separation; Metal Detection; Pelletising; Chemical/feedstock recycling; Other

    You can also choose specific extracts from the database including

    • Recyclers of Plastic Bottles in Europe
    • Recyclers of Packaging Film in Europe
    • Suppliers of PE Recyclate in Europe
    • Suppliers of PET Recyclate in Europe
    • Free Sample (Recyclers Database)

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  • Target your market

    Target your market with confidence

    Save time and money on your customer data sourcing. Flexibly search, analyse and export by polymer, product, market or country to meet your business planning needs.

    • database price list

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      What are your interests?

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  • tailored

    Tailor our data to fit your business

    Tell us the regions, processes and polymers that are of interest to your business and we can supply a customised database with full analysis functionality.

    • Customised database requirements

      Are you looking for specific data to support your business growth strategy?

      Tell us the regions, markets, processes, or polymer information your business requires and one of our experts will contact you to talk about the details of your selection.

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  • Identify new contacts and marketing opportunities
  • Improve your strategic sales plan

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