Steady Market Growth Anticipated as Innovation, Consolidation and a Changing Climate Strengthens the Artificial Grass Market
27 June 2024

Estimated Value for Artificial Turf in 2023 - by Region of Installation
AMI are pleased to announce the release of our latest report on the global market for artificial grass yarn and turf, titled “Artificial Turf Global Market 2024”.
The 10th edition of this highly regarded bi-annual report offers a comprehensive industry overview up to 2027, delving into sustainability, economic challenges, and regional trends that are shaping the market. It also offers independent quantitative analysis and provides a detailed look at the market's performance over the last 18 months and its projected growth over the next 5 years.
The report is a valuable resource for grass yarn tufters, extruders, suppliers, installers, governing bodies, and investors. It provides insights into turf construction technologies, ongoing developments, and necessary adaptations to address the emerging needs of the market. Equipped with industry insights, stakeholders can navigate and thrive in this ever-evolving landscape. The report has emphasised multiple factors that are influencing the industry, with particular focus on two areas. Industry challenges There are still many challenges, most of which revolve around the topic of sustainability and perception. These include PFAS, primary & secondary microplastics, and end-of-life recycling. But in these challenges are also opportunities.
By way of an example, the impending ban on polymeric infill in Europe will have a ripple effect with the development of natural alternatives, most likely organic blends, and increase demand for shock pads.
With the replacement segment of the sports market increasing again to 41% in 2023 (just over 70Mm2 in terms of area) and set to increase to 90Mm2 in 2027, then end of life options, solutions and capacity are urgently needed. Demand and Market confidence Steady growth appears to be on the horizon; however, end users are hesitant to confidently commit to a return to pre-pandemic spending levels quite yet.
Despite ongoing environmental and safety concerns, the market is poised to offer growth potential over the next four years, focusing on product innovation, automation, the changing climate, and ongoing urbanisation.
In 2021, landscape & leisure demand overtook sport demand for the first time. In 2023, this shift continued although landscape growth slowed, and the demand for sport picked up after a post-pandemic drop.
The demand for landscape and leisure products is strongly driven by improved products, more and better channels-to-market and reduced prices. Buyers require aesthetic and haptic developments with the goal being that artificial grass more closely replicates the look and feel of natural grass. This is achieved through improved use of yarn combinations, colours and textures. Artificial turf is increasingly finding applications in which natural grass is not used for instance interior decorative displays.
Sport is also growing with increased participation from young and in particular female players placing demands on pitch availability which alongside the changing climate is leading many to install a synthetic surface as part of a wider community facility.
For further information on this report please contact on Tel: +44 (0)117 924 9442. Alternatively, you can request your free report proposal that contains more detail on the structure and findings included in the report by visiting our website, just click here.